Safety Plan

A Safety Plan can be helpful during all phases of an abusive relationship. If children are involved in the relationship, their safety is also carefully considered when designing the Safety Plan. This is especially important if the children will continue to spend time with the perpetrator.

​Safety During A Violent Incident
In an abusive relationship, it is often hard to know when an escalated event may occur.

Consider thinking about the following so you can be prepared if an escalated event occurs:

  • Where are safe spaces in my home if I can’t leave?
  • Where can I go if I am able to leave?
  • Who can I let know about the violence?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

​Safety When Preparing To Leave An Abusive Relationship
It is crucial to have a plan in place when you have decided that you will be leaving your abusive relationship.

Consider thinking about the following so you can be prepared when you leave:

  • Where will I go when I leave?
  • Do I have my SafePack created?
  • How can I start increasing my independence?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!
My SafePack
Creating a SafePack is a way to ensure you have access to documents and items that are important to you.

Consider thinking about the following so you can be prepared when you leave:

  • Do I have forms of identification?
  • Do I have important legal documents?
  • Do I have my medicine?
Create your own SafePack checklist here!

Safety In My Current Residence
If your abuser has had access to your residence in the past, or has knowledge of where your residence is, it may be best to make some changes.

Consider thinking about the following so you can keep your residence safe from your abuser:

  • Does my abuser have access to my residence?
  • Will my abuser try to gain access to my residence?
  • How can I prevent my abuser from gaining access?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

Safety For My Children
Safety Planning with your child(ren) can ensure their safety around an abusive individual.

Consider thinking about the following so you and your child(ren) can be safe:

  • What do I feel comfortable sharing with my child(ren)?
  • What do I want to teach my child(ren)?
  • What can I do to ensure my child(rens) safety?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

​Safety During Court
Court can often feel scary and intimidating. Having a plan for how you can make the process easier can be helpful

Consider thinking about the following so you can be prepared on your court date:

  • What time should I get to the courthouse?
  • Who can provide me support in court?
  • What should I prepare for before court?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

​Safety With An Active Order Of Protection
After you are granted an Order Of Protection (OP), you still may have questions about how they work and how to report violations.

Consider thinking about the following so your OP is most effective:

  • Where should I keep copies of my OP?
  • Who do I call if my abuser violates my OP?
  • Who should know about my OP?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

​Safety After My Abuser Is Released From Custody
Staying aware of you abusers status while incarcerated can help you prepare for when they are released.

Consider thinking about the following when you are notified of their release date:

  • How can I receive notifications of my abusers status?
  • Who is my abusers probation/parole officer?
  • What are the conditions of my abusers probation/parole?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

​Safety At Work
Employment is crucial for maintaining financial independence. It is important to take steps to keep you and your coworkers safe.

Consider thinking about the following so you can ensure safety at work:

  • Can I tell someone at work about my concerns?
  • Can I change my hours or work location?
  • What security measures can I take?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

​Safety At School
Most school’s have security measures in place, but having a plan for when you discuss your personal needs with your school can provide you with all of the supportive measures available to you.
Consider thinking about the following so you can ensure safety at school:
  • Who can I talk to at my school about an abusive individual?
  • What protections can be offered to me at school?
  • What protections am I hopeful to receive?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

Safety For My Pet
Pets can also be impacted by the impacts of Domestic Violence and/Sexual Assault. Creating a plan for your pet(s) safety can ease some worry.
Consider thinking about the following so your pet can be safe:
  • Where are my pet’s registration papers?
  • Who could temporarily watch my pet?
  • Who can I call if I suspect my pet is not safe?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

Safety With Technology
Technology and the internet can feel like a confusing world to navigate. Having a better understanding of how they work can help keep you safe.

Consider thinking about the following so you can feel safer online:

  • How much information about myself is online?
  • Are there Apps on my phone that I did not download?
  • What accounts does my abuser have access to?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

Financial Safety
Individuals may experience financial abuse in their relationship.

Consider thinking about the following so you can can secure or rebuild your financial independence:

  • Where can I keep emergency funds?
  • Where is my financial information saved?
  • Does my abuser have access to my finances?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

Emotional Safety
Abuse can have a significant impact on someone’s mental health. There are supports to help.

Consider thinking about the following so you can get the support you need:

  • What are things that bring me happiness?
  • Who can be an emotional support to me?
  • What are healthy coping skills I can use?
Create your own Personalized Safety Plan here!

If you would like assistance creating your Personalized Safety Plan, contact our 24/7 Crisis Line at 262-334-7298