How to Help Someone

Millions of people are affected by Domestic Violence each year. It is often difficult for a survivor to disclose any part of their experience with others. If someone comes to you for support, start by believing them.

 How You Can Help Someone Who is Being Abused?
  • Listen to the individual. Believe what they tell you. Allow them to talk, but do not force a discussion.
  • Ensure them that the abuse is not their fault.  Remind them their partner chooses this behavior and they are responsible for their actions.
  • Place blame and accountability on their partner but do not speak negatively of their partner.
  • When appropriate, encourage the survivor to contact the local Domestic Violence service provider or police department.
  • Allow the individual to grieve. At one time they trusted and loved this person.
  • Offer support, options, and resources that may help the individual.
  • Help them determine a safe place and safety plan should an incident happen or begin in the future.
  • Maintain communication with the individual and assure them you are available for support and safety.
Signs That An Individual May Be In Trouble:
  • The individual frequently cancels plans at the last minute or seems afraid of making their partner angry.
  • Their partner ridicules them publicly or you sense there is volatility in the comments.
  • You notice changes in the individual’s behavior or the children’s behavior, when their partner is present.
  • The individual often has bruises, injuries, or has frequent “accidents” for which they give vague explanations.
  • The individual appears frightened or exhausted.

If someone you know has experienced Domestic and/or Sexual Violence or is currently experiencing Domestic and/or Sexual Violence and you would like more information about how to support them, please contact us at 262-334-7298.