Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is a pattern of abusive and violent behaviors that are utilized by a person to have control and power over their intimate partner. Domestic Violence is based on power and control over another through a multitude of manipulative tactics (isolation, manipulation, threats, etc.) and falling in a cycle of abuse.

Sexual Violence
Sexual Violence is any sexual act (verbal, physical and non-physical) that is done to a person without their consent. Sexual Violence is about exerting power over another person’s sexual rights through force, manipulation, fear, threats, and coercion.

Safety Plan
Every crisis call and advocacy session involves Safety Planning. Advocates support clients in developing an individualized safety plan that considers each facet of their lives so they can safely receive services, and maintain their safety at home and through their plan for exit.

Mandatory Arrest and Charging Conference
Domestic Violence calls to law enforcement will result in someone being arrested in which the courts will hold a charging conference the next day. Mandatory arrest is a policy intended to protect victims of Domestic Violence and holds abusers accountable for their actions.

How to Help Someone
Watching and hearing that someone you care for is experiencing abuse can be challenging. These are some ways that you can help and support individuals impacted by Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault.